torsdag den 13. juni 2013

what will Justin bieber be inspired of this time?

Everyone that has heard Justin Bieber talk about his passion knows the phrase, “all about the music.” While that is definitely true, the music has to come from somewhere. What is it that inspires these chart-topping tracks? What makes Justin’s talent so relatable? What makes him the artist that he is? There’s no easy way to put it, tbut thers definitely been ups and downs career and Justin has received some hate but it only maked him stronger. The nineteen year old inspires millions of people each day, but I think it’s time for us to take a deeper look into what inspires him. So I'm gonna look deeper into a few of Justin’s biggest hits, to figure out why he felt these songs “made the cut” to help prove that it’s “all about the music.”
Down to Earth
“And mommy you were always somewhere, Daddy I live out of town, So tell how I could ever be normal somehow, You tell me this is for the best, So tell me why am I in tears? So far away, and now I just need you here”
“Down to Earth” comes from Justin’s debut album “My World,” released in 2009. Recording “Down to Earth” was Justin’s way of expressing his feelings about his parents separating in 1994. Although Justin was raised by his mom (Pattie Mallette), his father still has a significant impact on  his life. In a 2009 interview with Billboard, Justin explained the meaning of “Down to Earth” in the statement, “It’s a ballad about the feelings I had when my parents split up and how I helped my family get through it. I think a lot of kids have had their parents split up, and they should know that it wasn’t because of something they did. I hope people can relate to it.” One thing that makes “Down to Earth” so special is the emotion that Justin puts into performing the ballad, which can clearly be seen in the video below .
 Am I the only one that just wants to jump on stage and give Justin a hug? :)
and if you want to watch the whole concert, only the ¨down to earth¨part. Then click on the next video :)

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