mandag den 10. juni 2013

Justin Bieber visits ill children in a hospital

Justin Bieber visits ill children in a hospital, Justin Bieber is a very caring person and many children look up to him as a rolemodel. He inspire these children, he gives them hope, and dreams. For many kids, teenager and grown up he's the best rolemodel in the world, and lifesaver, He's their hero.

Justin Bieber useds a lot of his spare time to donate money, food, and school stuff to the poor people. He loves all his fans grown up ,kids, teenager and even adults and he says that he would anything he's fans. but in realty he probably  wouldn't or would he? ;) but thats not the point, the point is that many people loves him who he are and what he have done for the ill and poor. Specially beliebers but I'm gonna talk about them later ✌

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